
2006 Fall Ready to wear

Theme - Goth-metal rock battle

Inspired by French revolution in 1789-1799, mixing with Metallic and Rock and roll music. The collection wants to express the contrast between a peaceful world and a bloody, violent world with wars.

Color family

The color family of the whole show is using a complementary scheme, in order to express the contrast between peace and violence.

Mono-chromatic color scheme

White and greyish-olive with different values was used for outfits of the first part of the show, to present a calm, peaceful and pure feeling.

Afterwards, bloody red with different values appearred for the war terror.
The necklace in sharp red matches with the skirt helps to keep the proportion of colors.
A balance between the upper part and the lower part of the outfit was achieved by this little red cross.

Chocolate brown with black.

Metalic colors

Metallic fabrics and trimmings (e.g.: sequins and huge shiny buckles) were used to match with the metallic and rockn' roll music style. Culture affects life, affects fashion and affects colors.


There are numerous war in the history and in recent years, for example: in 2006, there are Lebanese - Hezbollah War, Somalia war and Cubicle... John Galliano was influenced by all these to create the collection. It shows that, the history (French Revolution) and current affairs influenced fashion a lot.
