
Classwork - collection

Analogous color scheme is used in both collections to bring a harmony feeling. More receding colors used in the 1st collection (blue tone), the style is cool and calm. For the 2nd one, it looks warmer, and more energetic with wide use of agressive colors like red and orange.
And maybe due to our pre-learnt sense, we always link colors like pink, red and pale purple to female. Thus, the 2nd collection looks more feminine and less tough than the 1st one. Those "feminine colors" are helping to express the elegance and soft side of women.

Animal Print Fever

Dolce & Gabbana and Yves Saint Laurent are the most well-known fashion designers who frequently display animal printing outfits on the runway. In fact, Christian Dior was the first designer who created animal printing garments.

In the 1940s, Chrisitan Dior's friend Miss Mitza Bricard suggested him to make animal prints on ladies wear. In 1947, Dior launched a collection as African forest and became the first designer who promoted animal prints to the world.

* The patterns come from nature,
they are pleasing and readily accepted.

It applys the "Principle of familiarity"

to achieve color harmony.

2008 FW
Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 021Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 025
2007 FW

2004 FW

Green leopard pattern several years ago - a creative & inspirative color design,balanced by using high valued mono-chromatic colors to maintain elegance.


Achromatic designs of Christian Dior 2008 FW

Achromatic outfits by Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture

Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 004

Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 040

These give an impression of cool, mysterous, sexy and privileged.

There are quite a number of achromatic outfits in every collection of Christian Dior.


Fall winter 2008 Christian Dior Haute Couture

Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 024Christian Dior Fall 2008 Haute Couture Collections - 030

Similar silhoutte in Different hue
--> Dramitically different feelings brought...

The purple outfit looks enegetic, charming and eye-catching.
The light grey one looks quiet, elegant, like a noble.